Copyright Information – “some of us have just never known ease…”

“some of us have just never known ease.

we’ve known so much fear energy,
and we’ve spent our lives with this feeling…
like we’re always on the verge of being in trouble
for something. it’s intangible, but it’s always there…
and the dream is to close our eyes someday
and to just feel safe, to feel held by
a universe that loves us.”

– butterflies rising

Poem and original work by the author butterflies rising.

– Published publicly on her poetry blog and social media on August 25, 2024

DMCA Protection Date and First Date Of Use
August 25, 2024

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some of us have just never known ease…

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'some of us have just never known ease. we've known so much fear energy' is a poem by the author butterflies rising that was published on August 25, 2024.

DMCA Protection Date and First Date Of Use

The poem was then published again online on her poetry blog and social media on August 25, 2024:
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some of us have just never known ease. we've known so much fear energy, and we've spent our lives with this feeling